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Seeking Your Insight

I’m usually not one to not know what say, but this time I’m coming up short and I’d appreciate your help! I’m reaching out to ask for your help and input on something really important to me. As many of you know, I’m passiona…

In a world that often measures success by conventional standards, it’s easy to fall into the trap of focusing on what we can’t do rather than celebrating what we can. I fell into the trap of thinking what I can’t do, by comparing myself to able-bodied people. I don’t think that’s uncommon, because I believe that it’s an automatic assumption. And, as they’re not the only ones to think that, disabled people may face societal attitudes that prioritize perceived limitations over unique abilities. However, there needs to be a powerful shift happening—one that emphasizes the importance of reframing everyone’s perspectives and embracing the diverse talents and strengths that exist within each individual.

When my “holy <beep>” moment happened, everything changed. My memory seemed to turn from what I call receptive, how it was before, to something like in-denial. Basically, I thought that I couldn’t do pretty much anything memory-wise, because it had been (insert VERY rude word here, any of multiple). I’ve described what the “holy <beep>” moment was, but in case someone doesn’t know what that is, I’ll repeat.

After the better-than-awesome Trivia night I released a blog note — but the email wasn’t linked to it!?! I mean, seriously?? I didn’t send something out the next day, maybe I should have, but I was embarrassed. Click this to read the post about the better-than-awesome Trivia night!

Last night, Danby’s Roadhouse in Richmond played host to what can only be described as an evening of pure awesomeness: Trivia Night! The event was a sensational hit, drawing in a full house of 84 enthusiastic participants, creating an electric atmosphere that reverberated through the entire venue.

From the moment the doors opened, anticipation filled the air as friends, families, and trivia aficionados alike poured in, eager to test their knowledge and enjoy a memorable evening. And boy, did they get what they came for!

One of the highlights of the night was the incredible generosity of the sponsors. Their support made it possible to adorn the silent auction table with an array of truly awesome items, ranging from coveted electronics to exclusive experiences, ensuring there was something for everyone to bid on and enjoy.

Life has a curious way of throwing unexpected curveballs, often leaving me reeling in their wake. For me, that defining moment came in the form of a devastating crash, one that altered the trajectory of my life forever. The injuries sustained, including an acquired brain injury, not only challenged my physical capabilities but also plunged me into a whirlwind of self-negativity.

I recently had coffee with a friend, and he helped me understand something about my blog posts. He said the posts didn’t sound like me and he was right, because I had used ChatGPT-generated content. I realized that although I had written the first paragraph (only most of it, not all of it), that’s basically it. ChatGPT did the rest. My friend said that he wanted to hear my stories, the ones that I told him that came from my heart, the real-stuff about me and what’s going on around me — not simply AI-generated stuff.